恩德集團精準獨特 | 台灣上市公司資訊
恩德並依各產業需求而陸續推出各產業需要之專用主軸,並已廣泛運用到工具機業的銑削、雕銑、模具加工、3C產業之玻璃面板加工、高速研磨、電子業之印刷電路 ...
Over 40 year CNC manufacturing experience, Anderson Group had developed professional engineering team and designed, and manufactured key-components, built-in high-speed spindle, high-frequency stator/rotor, and linear Motor, apply on all of Anderson machine. We introduce special spindles for various industries according to market demand and has been widely used in milling, engraving, mold processing, 3C glass panel processing, high-speed grinding, PCB industry, and advanced materials processing. in 2015, Anderson Group successfully developed linear motors and applied to our cutting edge machines, featuring Low Cogging Force, No Abrasion, High Force Density. The great features lead to win many awards on advanced machine competitions Anderson group committed to providing precision, high quality, efficiency, low energy consumption, and low wear products; following the customer needs to improve the satisfaction and we do offer to customize service. Comb...
恩德集團精準獨特 | 台灣上市公司資訊
CNC 鏤銑機械( 3 軸& 4 軸) | 台灣上市公司資訊
恩德科技股份有限公司【徵才職缺簡介】104人力銀行 | 台灣上市公司資訊
恩德切入離岸風機設備拚今年轉盈 | 台灣上市公司資訊
恩德台灣木工機訂單倍增今日股價漲停- 財經 | 台灣上市公司資訊
恩德科技永遠給您最好的體驗! | 台灣上市公司資訊
工具機廠接單回升訂單看到Q2 | 台灣上市公司資訊
台幣走貶+接單旺6檔工具機廠今年拚轉盈 | 台灣上市公司資訊
恩德科技股份有限公司- 財經百科 | 台灣上市公司資訊
經濟部工業局 | 台灣上市公司資訊